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The 3 Best Serums to Use when Micro Needling
Now that you’ve done all your research about which needle rollers for face to purchase, you might be feeling frazzled at the thought of choosing the right facial serum to go along with it. There are many great products out there for you to try if you’ve got the time and money. But what about if you are dealing with multiple skin issues or in need of an almost-instant fix?

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5 Ways Argan Oil & Vitamin C Are Good For Your Skin After Sun Exposure
Haven’t heard of argan oil? It’s an exotic, aromatic liquid pressed from the nut of an indigenous Moroccan tree called the argan tree. In Morocco, argan oil for sale is used for natural skincare and haircare treatment. 

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What is the Difference Between Squalane and Squalene?
The ingredients on the back of the label don’t have to feel like a chemistry exam. There’s only one letter difference between squalane and squalene, but there’s a world of difference between the two products. Pure squalane oil offers many benefits for your skin. Squalene is a product that will go rancid very quickly. Learn more about squalene and squalane.

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What Does Squalane Oil Do?
Squalene oil is an unsaturated oil found in your skin, olives, and sugarcane. Squalene oil is unstable and goes rancid very quickly. Through a hydrogenation process, squalene oil is transformed into a stable product that benefits your face and skin. It can be part of a beauty routine that includes natural skincare products.

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What Is the Difference Between Vitamin C Vs Hyaluronic Acid?
There are many products that are touted as the greatest thing to fight aging and to make your skin look amazing. You have probably heard of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, which are often combined in serums and other facial products to create what are called the best products to stop and reverse signs of aging.

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Will Argan Oil Clog My Pores?
While putting together your skincare regimen, you want to make sure the products you use don’t do more harm than good.

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How To Tell If Your Skin Is Hydrated
As we enter the warmer seasons, you might notice subtle differences in your skin’s level of moisture and texture. Winter’s cold temperatures and harsh winds can remove essential moisture from the epidermis, leaving skin dull and flaky.

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Best Serums To Use After A Face Mask

One of the best ways to help clear and smooth the skin is with a refreshing face mask. From whitening masks to mud masks and charcoal masks, the skin tone will even out and the appearance of wrinkles can be reduced.

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